run show evpn es
run show evpn es
The run show evpn es command is used to display the all the Ethernet segments configured on the device. It also displays the auto generated type-3 ESI for each segment, its type, the name of the LAG interface and the VTEPs involved.
admin@ACC2# run show evpn es Type: B bypass, L local, R remote, N non-DF ESI Type ES-IF VTEPs 03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:01 LR ae1, 03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:02 LR ae2,
To check the detailed information of the Ethernet segments, add the optional keyword detail at the end of the command as shown below.
admin@ACC2# run show evpn es detail ESI: 03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:01 Type: Local,Remote Interface: ae1 State: up Bridge port: yes Ready for BGP: yes VNI Count: 2 MAC Count: 0 DF status: df DF preference: 32767 Nexthop group: 536870913 VTEPs: df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435459 df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435460 ESI: 03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:02 Type: Local,Remote Interface: ae2 State: up Bridge port: yes Ready for BGP: yes VNI Count: 2 MAC Count: 0 DF status: df DF preference: 32767 Nexthop group: 536870914 VTEPs: df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435459 df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435460
, multiple selections available,
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