Automatic Backup and Manual Snapshot of Switch Configuration

You can enable automatic backup of the configuration of all deployed switches at specific interval. 

Select Lifecycle -> Config Backup menu and do the following as shown below:

  1. Enter days with a value, for example set it to value 1 for daily configuration backup.
  2. Enter Interval time in hours  in  timezone set in the AmpCon server. Daily backup of configuration will be done at the specific time entered in this step.  In this example daily backup will be done at 11 PM UTC time daily.
  3. Click Save.

A manual snapshot of a switch configuration is initiated by the user. Snapshots of switch configurations persist until the user deletes the snapshot and it is stored in the database.

To make a  manual snapshot of a switch configuration, select Lifecycle > Config Backup, select the switch and click Backup Config as shown below.

To view the manual snapshot of config, select Lifecycle > Config Backup, select the switch and click Config and click Show SET-format as shown below:

To delete the manual snapshot of a config, select Lifecycle > Config Backup, select the switch and click Snapshot List  and as shown below.

Select the configuration snapshot you want to delete and click Delete as shown below:

Configuring the GOLDEN_CONFIG Tag

A single switch can have 100 (it can be set by the parameter "Config Backup Number" in page Settings->System Configuration) backup configuration file snapshots, and AmpCon supports to set "GOLDEN_CONFIG" tag for one of them to make the configuration more prominent in the configuration list. When the snapshot number is more than 100, the system will delete the oldest backup snapshot that does not have the "GOLDEN_CONFIG" tag.

Usually, configuration file tagged with "GOLDEN_CONFIG" is a file with standard configurations, which can be used for comparing PICOS configuration files.

How to Set “GOLDEN_CONFIG” Tag?

Step 1           Click the Snapshot List icon in the operation column of the switch.

Step 2           Select an archived configuration and click “Set Golden Config” button to set the tag.

Note that you can set the "GOLDEN_CONFIG" tag for any snapshot, but only one "GOLDEN_CONFIG" tag can be set for one switch.

When comparing two PICOS configuration file snapshots of a specific switch, the configuration file with "GOLDEN_CONFIG" tag is highlighted among the numerous configuration files and can be used as a standard configuration file to compare with others to find configuration errors in them.

When we compare the snapshot in Config/Template > Config Snapshot Diff, we can see the "GOLDEN_CONFIG" tag in the select dropdowns.

Rollback Configuration

You can choose any one of the backup configuration file snapshots to rollback.

 Step 1           Click the Snapshot List icon in the operation column of the switch.

 Step 2           Select an archived configuration and click “Rollback Config” button.

In the pop-up dialog box, set the “Commit Wait Time” and click “Rollback” to start rollback operation.

The rollback operation commits the backup configuration to the configuration file and starts two timers: commit confirm timer and commit wait timer to make sure all the configurations are correctly loaded.

You have to wait for a period of “commit wait timer” when a commit command can be entered, the default timer value is 10 seconds, but a custom value can be entered from 10 to 240 seconds.

If the commit command is not entered before the commit confirm timer expiration, the configuration will be rolled back. The timer value is 10 minutes.

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