License Management

AmpCon supports license management for switches, auditing of license expiration dates, and updating the license that is about to expire. AmpCon license management includes three functions: License Audit, License Action and Local License Management.

  • License Audit

License audit checks the expire date of switch license and then gives a report.

When performing license audit, AmpCon server logs in to the switch, checks the expire date of the license, and reports whether the license will expire within 30 days.

  • License Action

License action checks the expire date of switch license and then automatically updates the license if it will expire within 30 days.

When performing license action, the AmpCon server logs in to the switch and checks the expire date of the license. If the license will expire within 30 days, the AmpCon server will try to download the latest license file from the Pica8 License portal ( and install it on the switch, thus ensuring the switch can be used without any disruptions.

  • Local License Management

This function allows the administrator to manually add and edit license files on AmpCon server, so as to realize local management of license files which can be used for updating license.

The following sections detail how to manage switch license through AmpCon.

License Audit

Step 1       Select Licenses > Audit to enter the License Audit interface.

Step 2       Click the License Audit button in the Operation column of the device that you want to perform the License Audit operation on. Click Yes in the pop-up Are you sure? dialog box. Then the AmpCon server will login to the switch, check the expire date of the license. A report about whether the license will expire within 30 days will be created.

Step 3       Click the Log button in Operation column to view the license audit report.

License Audit for a Switch Group

AmpCon can do license audit not only for a single device, but also supports license audit for a group of switches. You can perform license audit for a switch group using the following steps:

Step 1       Click the Load drop down list at the top of the page and select the group name you want to perform license audit on.

Step 2       Then click License Audit button next to the Load Click Yes in the pop-up Are you sure? dialog box. AmpCon will start to perform License Audit for each device in the switch group.

AmpCon server logs in to the switch, checks the license expire date, and then reports whether the license will expire within 30 days.

Step 3       Click the View Report button on the upper right side of the page to view the license audit results of the switch group. Click Export Report button to export the report to PDF.

License Action

Step 1       Select Licenses > Action to enter the License Action interface.

Step 2       Click the License Action button in the Operation column of the device that you want to perform the License Action. Click Yes in the pop-up Are you sure? dialog box.

AmpCon server logs in to the switch and checks the expire date of the license. If the license will expire within 30 days, the AmpCon server will try to download the latest license file from the Pica8 License portal ( and install it on the switch, thus ensuring the switch can function without any disruption.

Note: This step requires to configure the Pica8 License portal in advance from Settings > System Configuration. For details, please refer to Setup System Configuration Parameters in AmpCon.

Step 3       Click the Log button in Operation column to view the license action result.

License Action for a Switch Group

AmpCon can do license action not only for a single device, but also supports license action for a group of switches. You can perform license action for a switch group using the following steps:

Step 1       Click the Load drop down list at the top of the page and select the group name you want to perform license action on.

Step 2       Then click License Action button next to the Load button. Click Yes in the pop-up Are you sure? dialog box. AmpCon will start to perform License Action for each device in the switch group.

AmpCon server logs in to the switch and checks the expire date of the license. If the license will expire within 30 days, AmpCon server will try to download the latest license file from the Pica8 License portal ( and install it on the switch, thus ensuring the switch can function without any disruption.

Note: This step requires to configure the Pica8 License portal in advance from Settings > System Configuration. For details, please refer to Setup System Configuration Parameters in AmpCon.

Step 3       Click the View Report button on the top right side of the page to view the license action results of the switch group. Click Export Report button to export the report in PDF format.

Local License Management

AmpCon supports to manually add license files locally, local license can be used for license installation. When AmpCon server tries to install a new license on the switch, it will first check the locally created licenses. If no suitable license is found on the local device, AmpCon will try to download the license file from the Pica8 License portal.

Step 1       Select Licenses > Local License to enter Local License Management interface.

Step 2       Click the button at the bottom of the page, and input the license in the pop-up Add/Delete License page, SN is the SN number of the switch.

Step 3       After the configuration is complete, click Save button to save the license.

Step 4      (Optional) Edit the Local License. Click the button in the Operation column of the corresponding license to edit the Local license.

Step 5      (Optional) Delete the Local License. Click the button in the Operation column of the corresponding license to delete the Local license.

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