set protocols ospf4 area interface vif address router-dead-interval
If a switch does not receive an OSPF hello packet from a neighbor within a fixed amount of time, the switch concludes that the neighbor is not operational. The OSPF dead interval specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the switch waits before declaring that a neighboring device is unavailable. This is an interval during which the switch receives no hello packets from the neighbor. To confgure the OSPF dead interval, use the set protocols ospf4 area area-id interface interface-name vif vif-name address ip-address router-dead-interval command in L2/L3 configuration mode.
Command Syntax
set protocols ospf4 vrf vrf-name area area-id interface interface-name vif vif-name address ip-address router-dead-interval time
vrf-name | Optional. Specifies a VRF name. The value is a string. It’s a user-defined VRF set by the command set ip vrf <vrf-name> [description <string>]. Note that: The configuration is in the default VRF if not explicitly bound to any VRF. |
area-id | OSPF area identifier. |
interface-name | Interface name. |
vif-name | Virtual interface name. |
ip-address | Virtual interface IP address used for OSPF. |
time | The OSPF dead interval in seconds. The range is 1-4294967295. |
This example sets the OSPF dead interval to 60 seconds:
admin@Switch# set protocols ospf4 area interface vlan2 vif vlan2 address router-dead-interval 60
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